Your event is our focus.

The principals of Long Tail Productions, Gabe and Kacey Lloyd, raced bicycles domestically and internationally for a decade, absorbing the culture, environment, and excitement that each race offered. Turning their attention to production, they prioritize the athletic experience and the spectator takeaways in the social-media-savvy world we live in. They balance the sporting needs of the athlete with excitement for spectators without trivializing the sports they love. They set safe but exciting courses. They schedule race days to be fast-paced. They design the event to be Instagrammable. And the talent they require to execute these projects is top-notch. They realized their experiences, aesthetics, standards for quality, and work ethic makes them valuable assets for communities who understand the value of high-quality productions.

What types of events?

We specialize in sporting events with an emphasis on cycling and running. Athlete safety is a top priority. We go beyond simply placing fencing on the ground to install details such as coroplast boards at the exit of turns or increasing signage in a run race where caution may be required. We are experts in organic social media management for marketing, allowing us to reach more people with fewer ad dollars spent. We cover the basics to let people know what, when, how, and why they should choose to spend their time in your community at our event. 

Let's get started!

We work around the clock to create an event experience that everyone will want more of. Contact us so we can talk about the right approach for your event.

Kacey Lloyd

Co-Founder, Head of Operations

Kacey Lloyd is the producer and event director. Leading all projects through conceptualization, feasibility determination, planning, and execution. She ensures projects remain on time and within budget while keeping all stakeholders informed and delivering an exceptional experience for all involved.

Gabe Lloyd

Co-Founder, Creative Director

Gabe Lloyd is a passionate brand builder from concept to delivery and maintains them with engaging storytelling. His approach considers both business needs and marketing strategy. He graduated with honors from the Rhode Island School of Design with a minor in American Pop Culture. He was awarded the Steven T. Mendelson Award for Community Service and continues to inject social impact into his projects. He is also a cycling commentator, including the Red Hook Crit, Red Bull Bay Climb, and Mission Crit.